
Next-Generation High-Frequency Contactless Smart Card PVC Cards 300X • Composite PVC/PET cards 305X ƒ

  • Supports Secure Identity Object™ (SIO) – Multi-layered security beyond the card technology, providing added protection to identity data. ƒ
  • Trusted Identity Platform® (TIP™) enabled – Provides trusted identity within a secure ecosystem of interoperable products. ƒ
  • Supports future growth – iCLASS® 13.56 MHz read/write contactless smart card technology with multiple, securely separated files enables multiple applications for future growth. ƒ
  • Flexible configurations – Available in 2k bit, 16k bit or 32k bit with ability to add a magnetic stripe/barcode and anti-counterfeiting features (custom artwork and photo ID).
HID® iCLASS SE® 3350 Clamshell Card
Ideal for ICLASS SE installations in harsh environments and can be used for a range of diverse applications.
HID® iCLASS SE® 350x SIO® Technology-Enabled MIFARE® + Prox Card
Dual technology solution to address card deployments with SIO-Enabled MIFARE Classic (13.56 MHz) credentials + 125 KHz Proximity
HID® iCLASS SE® SIO®-enabled UHF/MIFARE® 603X Classic Card
Highly secure dual-technology UHF long read range smart card for parking & gate applications with support for MIFARE® Classic applications.
HID® iCLASS SE® 340x – MIFARE® Classic SE™ Card
Broadest range of open standard smart cards. Provides the memory structure and capacity to store multiple applications on a single card. Ideal for SIO-Enabled (SE) installations.
HID® iCLASS SE® 38xx SIO-Enabled MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 + Prox Card
Dual technology access control solution for multi-application card deployments with SIO-Enabled MIFARE DESFire EV1 (13.56 MHz) credentials + 125 KHz Proximity
HID® iCLASS SE® 325x Key Fob II
SIO-enabled contactless smart key for iCLASS SE platform
HID® iCLASS SE® 370x – MIFARE®/DESFire® EV1 SE™ Card
Broadest range of open standard products. Provides the memory structure and capacity to store multiple applications on a single card. Ideal for SIO-Enabled (SE) installations.
HID® iCLASS SE® 600x SIO Enabled UHF Card
High security ultra high frequency smart card for gate and parking applications.
HID® iCLASS SE® 300x Card
SIO-enabled smart card provides versatile interoperability and supports multiple applications.
HID® iCLASS SE® 310x + Prox Card
Dual technology access control solution for customers migrating from 125 KHz Proximity to iCLASS SE (13.56 MHz) high security to support multiple applications.
HID® 601X SIO® Enabled UHF/iCLASS® Card
Highly secure UHF dual-technology long read range smart card for parking & gate applications


  • 13.56 MHz read/write contactless smart card technology for high-speed, reliable communications with high data integrity. ƒ
  • Meets ISO 15693 for contactless communications. ƒ
  • Proven Technology – Offers consistent read range not affected by body shielding or variable environmental conditions. ƒ
  • Multiple securely separated application areas are each protected by 64-bit diversified read/write keys that allow complex applications and provide for future expansion.
  • Durability – Passive, no-battery design allows for an estimated minimum 100,000 reads.
  • Strong, flexible, and resistant to cracking and breaking. ƒ
  • Ordering Options – Magnetic stripe, external card numbering, custom artwork and contact smart chip module. ƒ
  • Photo ID Compatible – Print directly to the card with a direct image or thermal transfer printer.


  • Trusted Identity Platform (TIP) Enabled – Provides trusted identity within a secure ecosystem of interoperable products. ƒ
  • Multi-Layered Security – Ensures data authenticity and privacy through the multi-layered security of HID’s SIO. ƒ
  • SIO Data Binding – Inhibits data cloning by binding an object to a specific credential. ƒ Mutual authentication, encrypted data transfer, and 64-bit diversified keys for read/write capabilities. ƒ
  • Expanded iCLASS Elite™ Program – Extends private security by protecting uniquely keyed credentials, SIOs and programming update keys.

For more information on HID iCLASS SE SMART CARD contact ID VISION Dubai on +971 4 2694 620 / sales@idvisionme.com