ID Vision Dubai’s Guard Tour system delivers real time customised report which can be conveniently and remotely accessed by management.

Guard Tour / Patrol System allows a company management to monitor the activities of the security guard to ensure that the guards do their prowling duty according to the pre-arranged patrol routes and timings.
ID VISION is one of the most trusted distributor for one of the largest guard tour system, GPS checking systems & RFID readers manufacturers in Dubai, UAE, Middle East and Africa.
– Security companies, to monitor officers / Lone Workers, manage guard tours and conduct reports.
– Educational Institutes, to increase the safety of their students
– Real Estate organizations, to manage their buildings and protect them from damage
– Public transportation services, to direct activities and manage daily incidents
– Finance Institutes, to be safe from external threats
– Warehouse departments, to assure the security status of their merchandise
– Manufacturing facilities, to protect from damages and record incidents in every aspect of manufacture process
– Cleaning and maintenance services, to manage their installations and workers
For more information on Complete range of Guard Tour system contact ID VISION Dubai on +971 4 2694 620 /
Are you worried about whether duties are being performed correctly in your workplace? Do you need a system that will allow you to check that security guard patrols or guard tour systems and duties are being carried out efficiently, correctly and on time?
The Software package that compliments the Guard Tour/Patrol System is uncomplicated in its application and provides a complete working solution for all aspects of Security Guard patrolling. This system can be used as a security feature to protect patrolling guards in vulnerable locations or to check that guards are doing their security patrols by ensuring that they reach particular areas at specific times.
ID Vision Dubai’s Guard Tour system delivers real time customised report which can be conveniently and remotely accessed by management.
ID Vision is one the best Guard Patrol System suppliers in Dubai, Middle East and Africa.
How does it work?
The guard system tags can be placed in the designated areas, a sequence must be determined. Each sequence represents a route that the Guard has to follows with carrying the guard reader & wallet. Upon reaching the tag, the security guard connects dock of the guard reader to the guard system tags. The Guard reader produces a vibrating sound with blue LED glowing to indicate that the data was read properly. Thereafter guard has to mark it’s status by connecting the dock of the guard reader to the event tag.
We offer a broad range of electronic guard tour system base on a broad range of geotagging technologies, such as Touch Memory, RFID, GPS, GPRS.
Guard patrol system plays a critical role in managing your security guard patrol operations in Dubai and Middle East. We are one of the trusted companies supplying world-class devices.
There is a wide variety of guard tour systems, which can be divided in two major categories: Wand guard tour systems based on handheld devices and cloud guard tour systems based on modern mobile and cloud technology.
Guard tour systems provide a means to check and record the time that a guard executes his guard tour by scanning specific checkpoints assigned on the area he patrols. Checkpoints are placed in certain points either on buildings or on other locations of a site or remote area and help the managing staff to identify each different location and each portion of a specific territory. The on-site officers can scan checkpoints, send SOS alerts, track and record events and conduct and send reports to the managing staff or the clients, even in real-time.
Give us a call today for genuine range of Guard tour systems. Our office is located in Al Mamzar Dubai. UAE.
PO Box # 88102
Office # 504, AB Plaza8
Al Mamzar , Dubai- UAE
Tel : +97142694620
Fax: :+97142694621