IDZ5000 Contactless Smart Card Reader

IDZ5000 Contactless Smart Card Reader​

Supports ISO/IEC 14443 and combines contactless and NFC smart card reader technology.

IDZ5000 Contactless Smart Card Reader

Streamlined for the End-User

Transaction-time efficiency, security, flexibility, full NFC capability, and in-field firmware upgrades ― this reader has convenience at heart every step of the way.

IDZ5000 contactless smart card reader

Form Factor and NFC Flexibility

IDZ5000 works with ID-1 cards, tokens, and even NFC-enabled mobile devices. With NFC capability, network log-on, secure web-based transactions, and customer loyalty programs are a snap.

Need Keyboard Emulation?

No problem, we’ve got you covered. Through an optional tray app in Windows OS, it can read the unique identifier (UID) and chip serial number (CSN) of any passive RFID tag and insert it as a string in any host app. This keyboard emulation supports ISO 14443, MIFARE Classic 1K/4K, Ultralight, Ultralight C, DESFire, DESFire EV1, NTAG 203, and Broadcom Topaz tags.
